Technical features
Air conditioning and heating system while driving
32A 3-phases needed for air conditioning on location
Internal power is 220V (available via sockets)
Driver always included (no separate rental)
Maximum number of passengers: 18
Trailer possible
Coffee machine
Wash basin with running water
DVD player
Surround sound system including bluetooth
Large amount of LED screens
3-bunk construction
Spacious cargo space
Van Interior
Interior lighting cargo area
Reading lights and 220V in each bunk
Window and curtain in each bunk
Onboard toilet and shower
To reserve? mail with INFO@NIGHTLINER-SUPPORT.EU
Dimensions Cargo bayDimensions drivers bunksExterior dimensionsCargo capacityLoad capacityAxesEuroL- 2,00m x W-2,24 x -0,94L-1,60m x W-2,24 x H-0,94L 13.40 x B2.5 x H47,5m3 (4,2m3 + 3,3m3)n/a25